Introducing: Project Serendipity – Because Who Doesn’t Love Compliments?

So who likes compliments? *raises hand*


Welcome to Project Serendipity, created by Aila, Ava, Alexandra, and Claire, where we make it our mission send out compliments to brighten YOUR day. Why?

Because you deserve it.

The first step is to fill out this form, so we know who’s joining up. After a certain period, we’ll be pairing you with a blogger who you may or may not know. Y’all will exchange compliments.

This way, you can learn about new bloggers, and it also ensures that everyone gets a compliment! Use your sneakiest skills to discover more about the blogger you’re assigned to, including but not limited to: 1) Checking out their blogs, 2) Following their Twitter, 3) Messaging a friend of theirs.


Although we’re pairing you guys up, after you write a compliment to the person you were assigned, feel free to write a compliment to ANYONE. Heck, you can go down the list of participating bloggers and send a couple of lines to as many people as you’d like. The limit is the amount of stars in the universe, my dears. The more, the merrier!

Step two is to deliver said compliments to us. Once you sign up, we’ll send you a form via email you can fill out to send your compliments. In this form, we ask you include the name of the blogger you are complimenting, and one corresponding compliment in the following box! If you want to send more than ten compliments, just re-submit!

A disclaimer: we want these to be heartfelt compliments, guys. None of that “hay how r u ur cool” kind of stuff. Talk about any shared interests, or if you thought one of their discussion posts was especially engaging, or even recommend a book you think they would like!

Now here’s the cool part: we’ll be making specially designed “cards” to go with your compliment. No more of those standard, Arial-font messages, because we’re going to spice it up a little and bring a bit of cheer and color to your world. (Please note that we will also be skimming over the letters when decorating; everything that happens in the text STAYS in the text.)

Finally, on the day of release we will be sending out these lovely compliments to each complimentee’s email box for a glorious surprise that will surely make their day!

Here is the form for you marvelous participants:

Follow the hashtag #PSerendipity on Twitter for more updates!


9 thoughts on “Introducing: Project Serendipity – Because Who Doesn’t Love Compliments?

  1. Thankyou so much for hosting this! It’s such a lovely idea, so I’ve signed straight up. I can’t wait until we need to give out compliments! Thankyou 🙂

  2. THANK YOU so much for putting this together Aila! The kindness and the compliments are some of my favorite things about the blogosphere, and the holiday season is such a great time to spread that love. ♥

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