Sally Green – Half Bad


Wanted by no one.
Hunted by everyone.

Sixteen-year-old Nathan lives in a cage: beaten, shackled, trained to kill. In a modern-day England where two warring factions of witches live amongst humans, Nathan is an abomination, the illegitimate son of the world’s most terrifying and violent witch, Marcus. Nathan’s only hope for survival is to escape his captors, track down Marcus, and receive the three gifts that will bring him into his own magical powers—before it’s too late. But how can Nathan find his father when there is no one safe to trust, not even family, not even the girl he loves?

Half Bad is an international sensation and the start of a brilliant trilogy: a gripping tale of alienation and the indomitable will to survive.

Nathan is labeled as a half code, half White Witch and half Black Witch. Marcus, his dad, has killed many people and came from a long line of evil Black Witches. He kind of reminds of Voldemort, especially when the characters are like “I can’t even say his name aloud.” Anyhow, Nathan grows up with his White Witch family but despite being under their tutelage, the Council of the White Witches think he’s going to grow up being destructive like his father and try to bend him to his wills. Seriously, this guy gets no breaks.

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